Business Accounting Design Document, v0.1
Derek Atkins
21 Nov 2001 10:49:51 -0500
Josh Sled <> writes:
[ GUID stuff snipped ]
> I think you likely want both.
Yes. I have both.
> | The object descriptions here are mostly done in C, for simplicity.
> | SQL Definitions can be easily derived, as most of these objects were
> | shamelessly grabbed from JobTracker and SQL-Ledger SQL table
> | definitions (or in many cases changed to suit the needs herein). In
> | fact, these objects were designed specifically to be stored in a
> | SQL-style database.
> Why? Why does it matter? Do you have existing datastores that you want
> to convert over?
Me personally? No. But I know others who do. Considering all the
other tools from which I based my initial research used SQL, I was
trying to grab my ideas from there, mimic what they do, so I could
provide similar functionality.
> I'd recommend using VCard for contact info [this, and Shipping], if
> possible... a) it's a level of detail and vocabulary that people are
> used to and b) it's supported by other programs...
Are you talking internally or as a saved format? At the point I was
writing this I was talking in the abstract.
> | int Terms;
> Eh? I'm assuming this decodes somehow into "Net-15" , "Net-30" or
> something...?
> | bool TaxIncluded;
> Is this really a property of a Customer?
Well, SQL-Ledger seemed to think it was.
> | float Discount;
> Eh?
Do we provide this Customer a discount, and if so, what percent
discount do we provide them. This is, obviously, just a default value
and can be changed an a per-order, per-item basis.
> | bool Active;
> Perhaps 'date completed', and (!valid(date_completed) == active)?
Not required for a Job. Perhaps this should be changed into "show-p"
or "hide". The point is to have a simple flag for whether to show
this Job in the default list. In fact, all object (now) have this
flag (or at least something similar).
> | 2.4. Sales Order
> |
> | A Sales Order is an object that maintains order and service
> | information. It is basically a collection of billable (or
> | non-billable) items that are applied to a Job and will eventually be
> | invoiced.
> Thought:
> Non-billable := zero amount split/transaction
> Billable := non-zero amount split/transaction
> Fixed-cost service = Billable
> Material item = Billable
> I wonder if that simplifies things at all... I guess you do want to be
> able to list them seperately on the invoice, but perhaps that can be done
> as a KVP-frame elt.
Actually, I kind of did it this way...
> | SalesOrder {
> | date Date;
> This is the date-of-billing? The date-of-sale? What if there's a 6-mo
> sales cycle? Or even a 6-day sales cycle?
This structure was confusing... As I said it was part of a SQL table;
each "SalesOrder" is really a line-item. So, this would be the date
of the specific order.
> | float Tax;
> How is this not just a split in the transaction?
The tax is tied to the line-item. There is no transaction.
> | bool Billed;
> Perhaps: date_billed and ( !valid(date_billed) -> !billed ) ?
The date_billed is part of the invoice. This flag really means
"invoiced?" It could probably be implemented as "is_valid
> | chat * Notes;
> So this is an array of IM "chat" logs... ;)
> | 2.7. Employee
> | Employee {
> | char * Language; // To allow customization of the UI
> Seems like a UI thing, not an engine thing... the language choice the
> user runs the interface with will allow all customization of the UI.
This came from, I believe, JobTracker. You are right that it could
probably go away here.
> | char * ACL; // Access Control List, for system permissions
> There was discussion about this a while ago, I believe, WRT the SQL
> backend ... I don't believe that this necessarily should be a feature of an
> engine object... it seems more like a UI/engine-consumer thing... perhaps
> first-order "Credentials" are in order, but not for the engine...?
Why not? Employee's can relate almost directly to actual users of the
system. Based on that assumption, having a permissions list tied to
the employee is just as good as anywhere else to have it.
I think having access control mechanisms in the engine is ABSOLUTELY
the right place to enforce it. To draw an analogy from distributed
systems, you want to present the access-control at the client but
you want to ENFORCE it at the server. The reason: the interface
between client and server can be reproduced and you (as a server) don't
want to trust the client to protect your data. Similarly, the engine
should not trust the GUI to protect the data.
> | float WorkDay; // Default work day
> | float Rate; // Default Billing Rate
> What if this varies per job?
Then you change them. They are just default values to supply
_something_ to begin with; a way to simplify in the "usual"
> For instance, on one job, I'm out of my element technically [it's highly
> hardware-based], and I do docs... on another [highly software-based],
> I do software. For the former, it's $30/hr ... for the latter, $80/hr.
That's fine; assume you work on software 80% of the time. When you
enter billable hours for jobs at the hardware rate, you just have to
manually change it in the billing entry.
An extension here would be a list of rates....
> ...jsled
Thanks for your comments.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available