Getting a guile prompt...

Rob Browning
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 13:38:55 -0600

I just modified gnucash so that you should be able to do this to get a
prompt with all the initial gnucash code loaded:

  gnucash-env guile -l /your/install/dir/bin/gnucash

This will get you to a prompt where you can

  (use-modules (gnucash bootstrap))

to get some of the symbols loaded into your environment, but until we
finish cleaning up, you'll really need to use this *UGLY* hack to be
able to see all the various bits that are loaded initially:

  (set-current-module (resolve-module '(gnucash bootstrap)))

To just fire up guile from the prompt, run:


Note that this is kinda rusty now, but should get better as we
continue to re-organize.

Rob Browning
rlb,, and
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