RFC: refactoring window-register as widget-register + containing window
Derek Atkins
22 Nov 2001 23:28:30 -0500
> I feel that even in the main window-register we have to much space being
> used. This results in a menubar that stretches across the screen. It
> would be nice if we could either cut the size of the toolbar space used
> down and/or have a toolbar that only showed text for items where it's
> not clear what purpose they have. I have attached a file showing an
> example of the sort of icon/text combination I'm thinking of.
> (toolbar.png) In this example obviously the print icon itself is clear
> enough to not need a text description (I used that as it was the easiest
> icon to attach text too). This shows how we could use a text description
> beside the icon to minimise screen use and leave other icons whose
> purpose is clear without text descriptions. Tooltips can also make the
> icon's purpose clearer.
I have no idea what most of those icons mean. OTOH, so long as
there is a popup help I can live without text description. But
for naive users I think having the text under the icon is a Good Thing.
Could you at least have the option to turn the text on/off?
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
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