Scheduled transaction entry idea

Tim Wunder
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 14:17:33 -0500

I'd like to see a feature where I can enter a scheduled transation as an 
invoice, much like business accounting packages enter AP invoices.

Say I receive my Gas and Electric bill on November 1st. It's due on November 
20th. I want to be able to quickly enter a scheduled transaction with only 
the following data points:
Payee: The Gas and Electric Company
Due Date: November 20th
Amount: Split between Electric and Gas

So, I figure, your looking at the creation of a scheduled transaction 
template., with the ability to create templates for the various periodic, and 
variable, bills you receive. You then can enter an SX from that Template, 
something like: Tools-Scheduled Transactions-Create from Template. 

Perhaps a Template SX can be separated from real SX by giving it a Frequency 
spec of "Template". 

Is this feasible with the makeup of the current SX engine?
