GncBusiness v. GNCSession
Linas Vepstas
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 22:51:56 -0600
On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 07:12:26PM -0500, Derek Atkins was heard to remark:
> (Linas Vepstas) writes:
> > > If we could always assume a SQL backend life would be much easier :)
> >
> > No it wouldn't, for the six reasons I described in the previous note.
> >
> I was just commenting that if I could assume that all
> backends can execute a SQL query then I can, as I've shown you how in
> previous mail, build up the SQL Query String piecemeal in an extremely
> extensible way.
I think we are talking past each other again, since I thought we'd
already gone over this territory. Lets assume we are talking about
a hypothetical GNCNewQuery, which may or may not be built on or dervied
from the current Query.
1) Having an "SQL-like" interface to GNCNewQuery would be an interesting
idea, not without utility. Emphasis on "LIKE" in SQL-like. Similar,
not the same.
2) The "SQL-like" interface would be a string interface, possibly
with queries resembling the following:
"SELECT Transaction WHERE (Transaction.memo='asdf' AND<"2001-07-04 12:00:00") OR
I am open to scheme-form-style queries too:
(select transaction (or (and (= Transaction.memo 'asdf')
(< "2001-07-04 12:00:00"))
(= Tranasaction.cleared 'N')))
Either style works for me.
(Back in the gnucash-1.5.x days, I had an XML interface to query
but that was drowned in the churn, much to my dismay.)
3) It can't be exactly SQL, for reasons listed in the earlier email.
These reasons include:
3a) Some things that can be queried in the engine, such as the
bank balance, are difficult or imposible to formulate as
SQL queries. Therefore, one must either limit the application
and not allow balance queries (that's bad), or one must be
able to intercept the query and reshape it or worse, instead
of passing it straight through to the database.
3b) SQL has not been standardized. There are many dialects.
Its easy to create non-portable SQL.
3c) Straight-through SQL prevents the development of interesting
future backends, such as OO db's, or frame-slot db's or other
interesting techologies.
4) GNCNewQuery must provide a C-language 'parser' or other utility
that allows the query to be converted to some C representation.
This is so that I could use C code to take apart queries that
involve bank balances and reformulate them as needed.
4a) I think this means that an interface somewhat like the current
Query is unavoidable.
> My frustration is that how a query is executed for the XML/File
> backend is completely different than how it is executed for the
> postgres backend.
This statement is erroneous. Both backends use *exactly* the
same execution process. There is absolutely no difference.
> In the Postgres backend you convert the GncQuery
> into a char* and then pass the char* into the Postgres database.
> In other words, part 'b', for the Postgres backend, can be broken
> up into two parts:
> b1) parse the GNCQuery into a char*
> b2) pass the char* into the Postgres engine
But that is not all.
b3) push returned data into engine.
b4) look for splits that have dangling balance info.
b5) create a new char * that fills out the missing info.
b6) go to b2), repeat until the all checkpoints are filled out.
b7) Let the engine query code perform the actual scan over
the engine data.
This last part (b7) is *identical* to how it would work with
an XML file, and the returned results are *identical* to what
the XML backend would have yeilded.
Steps b1)through b6) happen in the postgres backend. They are
particular to the design of this backend. They would be different
if we were using MySQL, because MySQL does not support some of the
constructs we use in step b5). Alternately, someone might invent a
better way of handling account balances.
Only b7) is done in the engine proper.
It may seem 'wasteful' to run the query twice: once in the database,
and a second time locally in the engine. But its unavoidable for
a variety of reasons, including the need to keep transactions
balanced (so that the ledger works right), and the need to have
enough data present to correctly compute account balances.
Note also: due to the caching structure, there are situations
where *no* queries are sent to postgres.
> Part b1 can be done in a distributed manner. You don't necessarily
> need to the GNCQuery parsing routine to exist in one body of code; you
> can register new GNCQuery parsing routines at run-time.
I don't understand what you are trying to say. Technically,
step b1) is not a parse, its a traverse. One parses strings.
One traverses trees. The current GNCQuery is a tree, not a string.
Note also that b1) is not the hard part. Steps b3) through b6)
are, because trnasactions have to be complete balanced, and
be 'up to date' (in case remote users have edited them). b5)
is tricky because it traverses a graph with lots of loops in it.
b6) is tricky because its a kind of 'closure': one must keep
repeating until no more data is returned from postgres.
pub 1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <>
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