Dynamic cursors in SplitLedger?

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
27 Nov 2001 16:48:06 -0800

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On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 16:46, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com> writes:
> <Date> <type> <Due Date> <Number> <Desc> <Account> <Paid> <Deb> <Cred> <B=
> > You can do this easily. Check out split-register-model.c:1250
> > where the debit/credit fields are made editable/non-editable
> > based on whether you are editing a stock split transaction
> > or not.
> What about the contents of a cell?  I'd like the 'due date' to not
> even show up in the case of an 'invoice'?  I'd also like to get the
> behavior to change is someone tweaks the flag in the current line.
> So, typing 'I' would give the rest of the line some behavior, whereas
> 'P' would give the other.
> With the stock-split transaction you at least know apriori that you're
> handling a stock-split, so you can set up the line accordingly.  At
> least I think that's how it works (I haven't played with stock splits).
> How do you change the behavior based on the settings in a particular
> cell?
> Oh, I think I see -- it re-draws the line at every move, doesn't it?
> So I just have to pre-code the logic into the cells and then do the
> right thing based on the state, eh?

Yes, exactly.


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