Moving reconciled transactions

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
11 Aug 2002 00:10:43 -0400

David Hampton <> writes:

> What is the correct behavior when moving a reconciled transaction to
> another account?  Clear the reconciled flag, or leave it reconciled.  I
> believe it should be the former, but I have a bug report suggesting that
> it should be the latter behavior.  The behavior of gnucash is
> inconsistent.  Moving a transaction via cut/paste clears the
> reconciliation flag; moving by changing the transfer account from a
> register window preserves the flag.

Note that when you change the xfer account in the register window
you are changing the _other_ split, not the visible one.  It should
be clearing the reconcile flag on the other split, but not the
one in the current account.

For example, if you're looking at Bank and you change a reconciled
transaction xfer from "Income:foo" to "Income:bar", it should not
change the reconcile flag when viewing locally, but if you jump to the
other account, the reconcile flag should have been cleared.

Also keep in mind that when you cut-and-paste a transaction, the
'paste' routine does not necessarily know that the current account is
the same.  Also, it's like "duplicating" a txn -- the new one should
not be reconciled.  The 'paste' routine does not know if you 'cut' or
'copied' the transaction.

> If an account has been reconciled then it must have been reconciled
> against something.  A bank statement, a credit card statement, a
> paycheck stub, a budget... something.  If a transaction is later moved
> out of that account, by definition it can no longer be considered
> reconciled.  Am I off base here?

Note that you are reconciling Splits, not Transactions.  Different
splits can be reconciled at different times for different accounts.
(Your credit card and bank accounts come in at different times).

> David


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available