(no subject)

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
06 Jul 2002 15:47:17 -0700

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On Sat, 2002-07-06 at 10:41, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Linas, Dave,
> I'm sending you this mail because you two are listed as authors of the
> Gnucash OPTIONDB code.  I was hoping one of you might have some
> insights into what I asked a month or so back..
> It looks like, currently, the option-db is tied mightily to scheme and
> changing it would require a major option-db overhaul.  Is my
> impression correct, or is there some straightforward way to {,re}store
> options from a KVP Frame?

The options code is very much dependent on scheme. There is no code to=20
convert directly from options to a kvp-frame as far as I know. There is=20
code in src/engine to convert a kvp-frame to scheme, though. Are you
trying to let the user edit kvp-frames directly using the option
framework, or do you just want to store options in the book kvp
data? If the latter, you can just use the options code to serialize
the option-db to a string and store that in kvp.


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