error producing reports
Paolo Benvenuto
don Paolo Benvenuto <>
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 13:46:02 -0400
Hi all!
I've got gnucash 1.6.5 in a debian (testin/unstable) pc.
I've got many transactions (about 2,000) and many accounts (about 100).
Well, I never could get a report of transactions. Depending on the report
settings, it either produces nothing or gives an error.
More, it last a very long time to give the error result. If it has to
process all accouts it can last 3 to 5 minutes. The box is an athlon 900
with 256 MB ram.
It's strange, isn't it?
Thank all!
Buon cammino!
d. Paolo Benvenuto <> - PGP Public Key available
Guaricano - Santo Domingo - Rep=FAblica Dominicana -
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