Eildert Groeneveld eg@tzv.fal.de
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 08:28:08 +0100

Dear all

there seems to be a problem with repeated online HBCI actions. The first one 
(remember password active) is ok, the second dies with:

Ausgeführt. (Code 20)
Auftrag zur Ausführung vorgemerkt. (Code 10)
gnc_hbci_api_execute: Error at executeQueue: some connections failed

Closing and restarting gnucash does the trick (but not too convenient (the 
transaction needs to be retyped.)


Eildert Groeneveld
Institute for Animal Science
Mariensee 31535 Neustadt Germany
Tel : (+49)(0)5034 871155 Fax : (+49)(0)5034 871 239
e-mail: eg@tzv.fal.de  http://www.tzv.fal.de/~eg/