Eildert Groeneveld eg@tzv.fal.de
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 14:31:40 +0100

Helle everyone
after having switched totally from StarMoney (Windogs) to gnucash I do all my 
transactions via HBCI which works - generally speaking - like a smart.
However there a few things that I would like to raise (some have been 
mentioned before)

1. It would be nice to have the transaction editor "remember" prvious 
transactions (nice to have but not serious)
2. I have had a number of transaction that HBCI noted as ok but that 
apparently never made into the bank: I got letters threatening to close down 
water supply and so forth). Somehow, there seems to be a gap in status 
reporting from the gnucash to the bank and back to gnucash. I think that this 
is a rather nasty "feature". Any ideas of what may be going wrong?
3. My previous suggestion to have at least a logfile for those transaction was 
born out of this issue. Christian suggested that I should give it a shot, 
alas Fortran, Perl etc does not mix too well with C :(


Eildert Groeneveld
Am Klosterbach 7
31535 Neustadt