Update-Finance-Quote dependancy of libwww-perl.

Decibels decibelshelp@charter.net
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:23:40 -0500

Derek Atkins wrote:

>Decibels <decibelshelp@charter.net> writes:
>>The biggest issue is the without libwww-perl quotes won't work and I
>>don't remember there
>>being a message say that that was the reason.
>Right, so if we break out the quotes subsection into its own package,
>you would get an install-time warning (from the package manager) that
>you need libwww-perl.  Note that libwww-perl is a RUNTIME dependency,
>not a COMPILE-TIME dependency.
Right, runtime only?

Let me get straight on this. If it is broken out into it's own package, 
will it be a
seperate download? If so would Quotes error and say that you need to 
install this package
in order to use Quotes, when invoked from the main package window and it 
wasn't installed?