Fwd: Crash recovery?
Conrad Canterford
05 Sep 2002 11:05:51 +1000
On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 10:43, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Nope. Sorry. There is no way to recover from the log file currently.
> Save early, save often.
> -derek
I just did a search through some mail logs, as I remembered something
about this being discussed. I found the following email. Be warned,
however, that it dates from a 1.4 version of gnucash. I haven't
confirmed if it will at all work with a 1.6 or cvs version of gnucash.
Please by all means try it out, but do save a copy of whatever backups
you have first.
Conrad Canterford (conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au)
Water Sprite Pty Ltd | url - http://www.watersprite.com.au/
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