Problem with make distcheck

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 19 10:55:15 CDT 2003

Matthew Vanecek <mevanecek at> writes:

> >         ${INTLTOOL_UPDATE} ${srcdir}/$${LANG}
> > 
> > It appears to only be a problem on RH9...
> This doesn't work, for me.  intltool-update requires a language code as
> the argument (e.g., zh_TW), and will not accept the directory name.

Ahh, then perhaps what we need is something like:

        cd ${srcdir} && `pwd`/${INTLTOOL_UPDATE} $${LANG}

What I don't know is if the pwd will be run before or after the cd.
We might actually need:


        cd ${srcdir} && ${PWD}/${INTLTOOL_UPDATE} $${LANG}

But even that isn't necessarily right, either.  This is only an issue
when top_builddir is a relative path.

> That's possible.  If we could track this down, we could submit a patch
> to the package maintainers.

Well, I suspect it's been fixed, as wilddev is running gentoo (which
has newer packages than RH9) and it worked there.  RH9 has 0.25 and
0.11.4 whereas gentoo has 0.26 and 0.12.1 -- so it's possible the
upstreams know about it.  OTOH, RH may not.

> > Yea, annoying..  I can fix the intl/Makefile still by some judicious
> > hacks to  I don't know what to do about the Pause thing
> > except perhaps changing the timeout from 60 down to, oh 5.
> > 
> Not sure if it's possible to exclude the 'faulty' targets based on the
> auto* tools version?  I had the same problem on RH 7.3 after I upgraded
> my auto* tools.  Anything after automake 1.4 shouldn't need that 1.4
> hack in Makefile/Makefile.DEPS.

Yep, I already filed some bugs on the issue.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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