Stock trades and realized gains/losses

Conrad Canterford
09 Jan 2003 17:40:23 +1100

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 16:57, Matthew Vanecek wrote:
<lots of good stuff snipped>

> Well, I think that about covers it for now.  Proper accounting
> practices, user satisfaction, ease of implementation, all based on
> common and approved (and logical) accounting practices.

This also gives the added bonus that true inventory (where your "stock"
is real property) then become much nicer too - your inventory doesn't
need to contain potentially hundreds of sub-accounts for each product
you have ever stocked, which was one of the major ugly sides to the
inventory implementation which was stopping me from pursuing the thought

No offense intened to Derek, but his proposed solution was really
unworkable for a trading business to use - its just too messy having
your trading profit not appearing in the accounts, but instead in a
seperate report. I *like* being able to see at a glance at the main
screen that we're not going backwards. 

> Can we do it this way?

Well, I'd certainly encourage this as the better approach. I'm far more
likely to use this. In fact, if this is the approach selected, I can
realisticly put the GnuPOS inventory into gnucash, which will save me an
almighty amount of work (although I'm still a fair way away from doing
this stuff). I like the idea.

I'm not sure how complicated people were intending to make the Lot
editiing interface, but I begin to think we'll effectively need a "Lot
Register" to edit the transactions on a lot.

Conrad Canterford  (
Water Sprite Pty Ltd   |  url -
GPO Box 355,           |  - Australian Tour and Event Management (ATEM)
Canberra, ACT 2601     |  - Ticketing Division.
Mobile: +61 402 697054 |  - Catering Services Division.