Transaction balancing

Benoit Grégoire
Tue Jan 21 19:59:56 CST 2003

On January 20, 2003 05:27 pm, Chris Morgan wrote:
> - If I do want to balance a transaction there doesn't appear to be any easy
> way to do so.  A simple algorithm to search for transactions in other
> accounts with the same amount on the same day could do most of this
> automatically, for more complex balancing it would be nice to be able to
> search through and highlight the transactions that balance the current one.
> I liked the auto transaction balance feature during the import although it
> gives full bars to most every transaction and lists several, I had no idea
> what it was going to do by default, it looked like it was going to use all
> of the transactions it found to balance the imported one and listed
> several. Again, matching with amount/date would be nice.

The "almost all full bars" are the result of a bug in debug code that was 
unfortunately trigered by an unrelated change just before 1.7.7 was released. 
All match with a negative score got it's score reversed, completely screwing 
up the match (sending the "real" matches at the bottom).  It's been fixed on 
jan 6.  Note that it DOES match by amount, date, full or partial memo, full 
or partial description.

> - During importing there is no way to group accounts by the imported
> informatin provided.  Eg. "Mobil" would be a good search term by which all
> entries could be mapped to Auto->Gas or the user specified account.  Some
> kind of autodetection seems not so difficult.

It's already implemented.  If during import you tell it to balance an 
transaction with description "Mobil" into Auto-Gas, on the next import (if 
the transaction isn't a duplicate) it will automatically balance into 

Benoit Grégoire

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