Budgeting in GnuCash

Eric E Moore e.e.moore at sheffield.ac.uk
Tue Jan 28 15:57:25 CST 2003

"Neulinger, Nathan" <nneul at umr.edu> writes:

> The problem is that the cash flow report doesn't show you a transfer
> from checking to a credit card for example. It can show you all your
> income, and all your expenses, but not the "non-expense transfers". 

> i.e. it'll show me that I spent $50 on a credit card for cd's, but it
> won't tell me that I paid $100 on that credit card bill. 

I'm not real clear on what you're trying to accomplish here, since the
cash flow report will do, if not what you want, what I think you
want.  If you go into the accounts tab on the options dialog, you can
select just some accounts for the cash flow, rather than the default
(all asset/liability accounts).  If you go into that, and select just
the bank account, it'll tell you that $100 flowed from the bank
account to the credit card.  

It won't report the $50 for CD's, but a profit/loss report would.  If
you maintain positive cash flow, and positive profit, (well,
non-negative will do), you're operating inside your budget...

At least it more or less works for me :)

Eric E. Moore
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