RFC: Chapter 8 Tutorial/Guide

Christopher Browne gnucash at cbbrowne.com
Fri Jul 11 11:13:57 CDT 2003

Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> Different accountants do things differently.  As long as it all
> balances, and satisfies the tax man, it probably doesn't matter.

Tax regulations differ from place to place, so it's hard for there to be
straight answers.  But the point is well taken.  There's More Than One
Way To Do It, and sometimes that works, though sometimes there will be a
Preferred Treatment...

> But for a tutorial, you probably want to make sure you stick to the
> GAAP.  You can find a copy at your local bookstore, probably.

Nope.  Statements of local definitions of GAAP are usually published by
your local "professional association of accountants," whether that be
CPAs or CAs (the former in the US; the latter in places that inherited
policy from England).  

The only "local bookstore" I have ever seen that would carry copies was
a specialty business bookstore that also carried comprehensive tax
references for multiple countries.  The store was across the street from
Canada's largest bank, and around the corner from three of the others,
which was probably why it could exist as a viable bookstore...
wm(X,Y):-write(X),write('@'),write(Y). wm('cbbrowne','acm.org').
"X is like pavement:  once you figure out how to lay  it on the ground
and  paint yellow  lines on  it, there  isn't much  left to  say about
it. The exciting new developments  are happening in things that run ON
TOP of  the pavement, like  cars, bicycles, trucks,  and motorcycles."
-- Eugene O'Neil <eugene at cs.umb.edu>

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