bug 95602: updating tips of the day

Jon Lapham lapham at extracta.com.br
Sat Jul 26 11:44:23 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Jon Lapham <lapham at extracta.com.br> writes:
>>I do not see the ability to import OFX file in the import menu.
> This means you either didn't build with OFX support, or didn't install
> the gnucash-ofx package...  This TOTD is not incorrect.

Oh, okay, that was easy, I did not .  So that only leaves the "what's 
new in 1.8" documentation, and then I can close 2 bugs.

PS: Just curious, why is building the OFX import facilities an optional 
configure parameter?  Oh, because it requires an external package:

lapham at bilbo > ./configure --help | grep -i ofx
  --enable-ofx                 compile with ofx support (needs LibOFX)

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at extracta.com.br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
  Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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