price editor

Jon Lapham lapham at
Wed Jul 30 14:46:50 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Jon Lapham <lapham at> writes:
>>Ah, yes, thanks.  Anyone know what the other 3 mean?  Last, New Asset
>>Value, and Unknown?
> Have you tried "google"?  

Thanks Derek, your right, I haven't been putting in enough effort on 
this, sorry for slacking off.  If you peruse my questions to the list, 
you will notice that I actually put quite a bit of research into them.

> These are all standard (at least in the US)

I won't even respond to this, for the sake of list harmony.

> stock-market terms.  For what CNNfn or go to and you'll
> see these terms.  Last means the "price of the last transaction".  NAV
> is a mutual-fund "price-per-share".  Unknown means "i have no clue where
> this price came from or what it signifies".

Great, thanks for the dictionary responses.  Now, how about looking at 
the *real reason* I asked the question.  And I quote from my original email:

"Besides a definition, are there reasons you would choose one over the 
other?  Does GnuCash calculate anything differently based on this 
option, or is it just informational for the user to know how the price 
was derived?"

Surprisingly, cnnfn, google and even were stumped on 
these questions.

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA

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