sqlite file format, anyone?

Derek Neighbors derek at gnue.org
Mon Jun 23 18:25:56 CDT 2003

Matthew Vanecek said:
> You lock a table in order to perform updates on the table, in the
> absence of row or page level locks.  Standard DBMS practice.  Not a
> design flaw--it's a feature, to prevent corruption of data.  Lock
> tables, perform updates, unlock tables.  Anyone else will get a
> contention error, and either retry their transaction or do other error
> handling.

Well in my world locking a table causes grief beyond belief.  Page locks
are ok, row locks preferred.  I think it is a design flaw to lock a table
to update a row.  Thus I think in general MySQL as a choice is a design
flaw, but I wanted to avoid that debate.  (See Mr. Browne's email earlier
as I share his opinion on MySQL)

Please read I never said it was silly to 'lock' records, only silly to
'lock' tables.  There is a very significant difference.


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