Bugzilla #107006 Scheduled Transaction Crash (was GnuCash 1.8.1 Hang])

Thomas J. Baker tjb at bakerconsulting.com
Sat Mar 1 15:43:29 CST 2003

On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 13:33, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Have you considered that maybe you have a hardware problem??
> If it were really a software bug, I'd expect MANY more people to
> be complaining about this.
> -derek
> "Thomas J. Baker" <tjb at bakerconsulting.com> writes:
> > I've opened bugzilla bug #107006 on this and put the traces I posted
> > here in the bug report. Still hoping for some help.
> > 
> > tjb

I've duplicated the problem on my home machine running Red Hat 8.1 beta
and Red Hat's 1.8.1 rpm, my laptop running Red Hat 8.1, and on my work
machine running Red Hat 8.0 and the GnuCash 1.8.1 rpms from the GnuCash
site. I think that eliminates hardware problems.

| Thomas Baker                                                        |
| Baker Consulting                     email: tjb at BakerConsulting.com |
| 90 Gile Road                         http://www.BakerConsulting.com |
| Nottingham, NH 03290                                                |
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