Call for developers: Port gnucash to Gnome2

TomF TomF at
Thu May 1 11:46:25 CDT 2003

I have been porting gnucash to Gnome2 for about two months, and I
finally feel that I know what I am doing.  However, the job is too large
for one person to finish in a reasonable time, so I am recruiting others
to help.

The current status is:
  1. autogen and configure work on my RH8 system.
  2. make compiles several modules correctly, but there are probably
many more that will generate compile errors.  I haven't tried to
determine how many.
  3. Need to handle the changes documented in:
Only the first few have been done.

The way I imagine that we could work together is:
  A. Use gnucash-devel and IRC #gnucash for communications during
development.  I think we will probably be able to answer each other's
questions, and to use warlord for backup.  I think the policy on
questions should be: if you can't answer your own question in less than
an hour, then, no matter how stupid the question or how badly
formulated, ask.  You will get either a quick answer or a better way of
searching for it.

  B. Use gnucash-patches for finished work, and comments on
finished work.

  C. Identify messages related to the port with "g2port" in the subject.

  D. Each developer should post a message indicating which
subdirectories of gnucash he or she wants to work on (everyone works on
the top directory, so the update-modify-commit cycle should be as short
as possible to minimize conflicts.)  If two developers want to work on
the same subdirectory, they should coordinate to avoid duplication of

The way I imagine each developer would proceed is:
  I. Create directories ~/gnucash-g2, ~/gnucash-g2/gnucashShadow,

  II. To checkout the g2 branch, use
cd ~/gnucash-g2 ; cvs -d :pserver:cvs at
-z3 co -r gnucash-gnome2-dev gnucash

  III. To get started, use
cd ~/gnucash-g2/gnucashShadow
lndir ../gnucash
./ --enable-opt-style-install 
--prefix=~/gnucash-g2/gnucashShadow  >>

  IV.  No fatal errors should occor. When complete, configure and make. 
The make should fail trying to compile some module.  You are ready to
start debugging.

Want to volunteer?  Want to comment?

Tom Frayne

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