running gnucash on cygwin

Ivan Middleton idmiddle at
Mon May 12 23:14:37 CDT 2003

Well, I have things narrowed down a bit.  After adding some `display'
statements to the scheme code, I've confirmed my suspicions that guile is
having trouble loading modules.  Essentially the backtrace at the point
where it gets stuck is

gnucash/main.scm: (use-modules (g-wrapped gw-gnc))

g-wrapped/gw-gnc.scm: (dynamic-call "gw_init_wrapset_gw_gnc"
                                    (dynamic-link "libgw-gnc"))

Many of the dependencies of libgw-gnc get loaded, but not all.  At some
point it stops loading DLL's, but is still using CPU cycles.  One of the
dependencies of libgw-gnc is libgncmod-app-utils, and this may be the
problem library.  I can load all the dependencies of libgncmod-app-utils
using `dynamic-link', but

(dynamic-link "libgncmod-app-utils")

gives "dlopen: Win32 error 31".  This is the unhelpful error code
ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, "A device attached to the system is not functioning."

I'll ask around on the Cygwin mailing lists as to whether anyone has had
any similar experiences with dynamic loading.  Otherwise I'm probably
close to being stuck.  I guess I could try recompiling libgncmod-app-utils
in various ways, maybe leaving out some functionality to see what happens.
Error 31 certainly doesn't give any clues.


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