.gmo files built twice

Jon Lapham lapham at extracta.com.br
Wed May 21 14:17:14 CDT 2003

I just noticed that "make" followed by "make install" builds the .gmo 
files in the po/ directory twice (once for the make, and once for the 
make install).  Is this intentional?  Is there interest in fixing this? 
  If so, may I tackle it?

If you build in a normal user directory, then run "make install" as 
root, those .gmo files are owned by root.  Ugh.


  Jon Lapham  <lapham at extracta.com.br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
  Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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