.gmo files built twice

Jon Lapham lapham at extracta.com.br
Thu May 22 12:00:50 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Jon Lapham <lapham at extracta.com.br> writes:
>>Well, it only takes a few seconds to build the .pot file... which
>>isn't too bad if it is only done once in a build (currently it is done
>>"the number of .po files" times).  But, I see your point.
> That's not my issue.. If you rebuild the .pot file, then you have to
> rebuild the .po files, which mean you need to rebuild all the .gmo
> files again..  I would prefer not to rebuild those files unless
> something changed.
> -derek

Okay, I see what you mean.  My changes would not help this situation. 
Developers actively working on .c files would have to rebuild the .gmo 
files EVERYTIME.  That sucks.

But, I think the situation is no worse with my changes... and is much 
better in that the .pot file is only built at most once in a build, and 
neither the .pot or .gmo files are rebuilt when there have been no 
changes to the .c files.

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at extracta.com.br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
  Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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