Gnucash 1.8.9 accepted to Debian sid

Phil Carinhas pac at
Thu Apr 22 00:02:31 EDT 2004

On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 11:26:51AM -0400, James A. Treacy wrote:
> Gnucash 1.8.9 has been accepted into Debian. It has already built on 9
> other arches and there are no release critical bugs so should have no
> problem making it into testing in 10 days (the normal time for package
> migration).
  I get these error upon upgrading sid:

/usr/bin/guile-1.6: relocation error: /usr/lib/gnucash/gnucash/ undefined symbol: gnc_option_db_lookup_taxtable_option
[carinhas at aza:~/mail/mbox]: man dpkg

 This happens after trying to access some invoices. Using:

ii  gnucash        1.8.9-1        A personal finance tracking program
ii  gnucash-common 1.8.9-1        A personal finance tracking program
ii  libltdl3       1.5.6-1        A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU 

 Problem disappears after downgrading to 

ii  libltdl3       1.5.2-1        A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU 

 Nobody else seems to see this problem.

-Phil Carinhas
 | Dr. Philip A. Carinhas       | pac(at)   |
 | Fortuitous Technologies Inc. |   |
 | Linux Consulting & Training  | Tel : 1-512-218-9561    |

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