Abiword embedding
Linas Vepstas
linas at linas.org
Thu Mar 11 09:08:19 CST 2004
The guys here are reminding me to cover a couple more
abi-as-report-platform questions:
-- graphing. Jody is creating gog, we were looking at using that
for the graphs. Seeing how we currently embed graphs in html,
the question would be, 'will I be able to embed gog graphs in abi?'
-- embedability. Currently, we embed gtkhtml as a sub-window in
various more complex windows. Will I be able to embed abi?
That is, remove all abi menus, toolbars, (so that I have gnucash
toolbars showing instead).
-- app swallowing. One common complaint about acroread-in-mozilla
is that the acroread has its own way of dealing with mouse & keybd
events, which is different from how mozilla would handle them.
Thus, if I embed abi, I'd also want to turn off key/mouse
processing, so that I can continue to use the gnucash conventions.
-- The documents that are marked up with named text blocks, as we've
been discussing, clearly these can be saved to disk ... but
can they be exported to other formats (without loosing the markup)?
How about importing? I'm not sure how to ask this question correctly;
becasue I'm not sure quite what it is ... for example, one of the
guys here (jsled) wants to use xml (with named text block markup),
use xslt to transform it into the abi document, then do the text
insertion as we discussed.
I guess the question is: "we may want to play games with the report
templates, what sort of games can we play?"
pub 1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <linas at linas.org>
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