Book Merge committed to HEAD

Neil Williams linux at
Sun Oct 17 04:21:05 EDT 2004

On Sunday 17 October 2004 1:31 am, David Grant wrote:
> Derek Atkins wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I just committed Neil's book-merge code to HEAD.  A couple of notes:
> What is book-merge?

Framework to merge two QofBook* objects with collision handling

This mini-project was started to add extra functionality to GnuCash to make it 
easier to import data from various sources into GnuCash to allow users to 
manage personal or business finances using Free Software.

Various import filters exist in GnuCash but it became clear that a capability 
to merge two accounting books (specifically two QofBook objects) was 
desirable. QofBook comes from the Query Object Framework - an offshoot from 
the GnuCash Project. QOF is basically the GnuCash "engine" with all of the 
financial objects removed. As such, QOF is "tried and true", and has proven 
its worth. A QOF Book is a dataset within a QOF framework. It provides a 
single handle through which all the various collections of entities can be 
found. In particular, given only the type of the entity, the collection can 
be found. Books also provide the 'natural' place to working with a storage 
backend, as a book can encapsulate everything held in storage. It is 
therefore the obvious start point for any data merge in GnuCash.

The project went through MANY name changes. The merge operation had to be 
generic and easily extended to new objects. To eliminate the need to edit the 
merge code every time an object is modified or added, I finally settled on 
making the merge part of the QOF code within GnuCash, hence qof_book_merge.


Neil Williams
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