Firebird Database support

William L. Thomson Jr. wlt at
Thu Aug 4 19:23:40 EDT 2005

Greetings GNUCash Developers,

I am curious if anyone is working on adding the ability to use Firebird
RDMS with GNUCash?

If not this is something I would be interested in doing. I am familiar
with Firebirds C API. I am not the greatest C programmer, still somewhat
of a newb there. I have made a few programs in C and C++ dealing with
Firebird. I made a Firebird plugin for the Linux version of NWNX a
little while back for NWN.

I do not have a demand for it per say. Just something I would like.
PostgreSQL is a great DB, but I am much more familiar with Firebird. So
I prefer to use that instead of PostgreSQL.

I am sure I could dive in and find my way around and etc. However I
would be very grateful for any pointers or info to help me get going.


William L. Thomson Jr.
Obsidian-Studios, Inc.

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