Feature Request: triggers or variable auto-transactions

Josh Sled jsled at asynchronous.org
Fri Aug 19 19:21:12 EDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 15:34 -0700, Karl Hegbloom wrote:
> But if I enter the transaction now, even if it is post-dated, won't that
> affect the displayed account balance?  That would make it difficult to

Both the present and future balances are displayed.

> I will need to spend a lot of time learning about the internals of
> GnuCash then.  It cannot be possible otherwise, that's just the way it
> is.  The question then is, should I begin with CVS GnuCash for GTK2, or
> with presently released GnuCash?  I think it will take some time for me
> to learn it since I've limited time available for that.

If you want something you can patch against your current build and have
it available now, then a 1.8.x release.  If you want something that may
get incorporated into the build going forward, look to the gnome2

>   When will the
> GTK2 version be releaseable?

When it's done.  Maybe hopefully in the next few months.

> Well, it's summer vacation, one month to go before fall term begins.
> Right now my itch has more to do with my social life and
> recreation.  ;-)



http://asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo ${a}@${b}`

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