disable error on warning

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 22 12:18:02 EDT 2005

IMHO, a conditional build for the internal goffice vs. an external
library would be fine.  If you find libgoffice installed then use
that, otherwise try to build our own.  But we should probably also
have a configure check for the version of libgda.

Damn them to Heck for changing the API in a "patchlevel" release.


Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk> writes:

> On Wednesday 17 August 2005 8:09 pm, Neil Williams wrote:
>> This is getting daft. Other parts of the G2 build are breaking now.
>> gog-axis.c:1690:58: error: macro "GSF_CLASS_FULL" requires 10 arguments,
>> but only 7 given
>> gog-axis.c:1693: error: syntax error before 'GogAxisType'
>> make[6]: Leaving directory `/opt/working/gnucash-gnome2/lib/goffice/graph'
> I've pinned this down to a change in libgsf-1-dev in Debian unstable which 
> reflects a recent commit by the GSF team that will eventually permeate 
> through all our distributions:
> The GSF_CLASS_FULL macro *has* changed in my copy of libgsf-1-dev:
> libgsf-1/gsf/gsf-impl-utils.h
> #define GSF_CLASS_FULL(name, prefix, base_init, base_finalize, \
>                      class_init, class_finalize, instance_init, parent_type, \
>                      abstract, interface_decl) \
> libgsf-1-dev 1.12.2-1
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/ftp-release-list/2005-August/msg00080.html
> GSF is a dependency of the included goffice tree in G2. 
> I've asked Josh for help on resolving this but AFAICT, this could simply be 
> the first of many changes in such dependencies that will continue to break 
> the static copy of goffice in G2. 
> I was wondering about a conditional build. e.g. I use this in QOF for libgda:
> (configure.in)
> dnl **************************************************************
> dnl  GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2 libgda
> dnl **************************************************************
> LIBGDA_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --silence-errors --cflags "libgda >= 
> LIBGDA_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --silence-errors --libs "libgda >= $GDA_REQUIRED"`
> if test "x$LIBGDA_LIBS" = x; then
>     AC_MSG_RESULT([No, GDA not found; will build using internal SQL library.])
> else
>     GDA_VERSION=`$PKG_CONFIG --modversion libgda`
>     AC_MSG_RESULT([yes, using GDA: ${GDA_VERSION}])
>     AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GDA,,[We have found GDA])
>     HAVE_GDA="use_gda"
> fi
> AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBGDA, [ test $HAVE_GDA = "use_gda"])
> I then made lots of changes to the Makefiles to build with libsql (i.e. the 
> internal code) or libgda as appropriate. There was also one change to the 
> source (qofsql.c) that had to look for the header sql_parser.h in a different 
> location dependent on the presence or absence of libgda2-dev >= 1.2.0.
> The end result is that some builds will result in a libqofsql.so.1.1.0 library 
> installed by QOF and some will use libgda as a standard package replacement.
> e.g. Debian (and possibly FC4) will use libgda, Mac OSX and FC3 will use the 
> internal libqofsql.
> We could use something like that in G2 so that as lib/goffice gets 
> increasingly out-of-sync with the -dev versions of goffice dependencies, we 
> can switch to the updated library, installed as a normal package. Like GDA, 
> it would be a suggested or recommended dependency of G2 when it comes to be 
> released - optional, depending versions of gsf etc. on the target platform.
> I haven't fixed the g-wrap issue yet, I will keep trying.
> -- 
> Neil Williams
> =============
> http://www.data-freedom.org/
> http://www.nosoftwarepatents.com/
> http://www.linux.codehelp.co.uk/

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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