QofBackend / QofSession changes in next commit.

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 30 18:30:45 EDT 2005

This sounds reasonable to me...  And will solve the SQLite issue --
the only question is: how do we "order" be backends so that we can
get certain types in preference to others?  In particular for
File -> SaveAs


Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk> writes:

> I'm considering adding a check_data_type prototype to QofBackendProvider which 
> will need to return TRUE if any backend is to be loaded for a particular 
> path.
> The function will ONLY be called when the access_method matches your backend 
> provider setting. 
> Initially, this would be wrapped in a #ifndef GNUCASH_MAJOR_VERSION so it will 
> not be active. Eventually, each backend will need a check_data_type function 
> that returns TRUE to be passed any data.
> Having already checked the access_method, the session (via qof_session_begin) 
> will call QofBackendProvider->check_data_type to check that the incoming path 
> contains data that the backend provider can open. The backend provider could 
> also check if it can contact it's storage media (disk, network, server, etc.) 
> and return FALSE if it can't.  Malformed file URL's would be handled the same 
> way.
> If the file is empty but usable, (e.g. a new session), the check_data_type 
> routine should return TRUE - QOF will determine which backend to use out of 
> those using the same access_method when it comes to time to save the data.
> /** \brief Distinguish two providers with same access method.
>   More than 1 backend can be registered under the same access_method,
>   so each one is passed the path to the data (e.g. a file) and
>   should return TRUE only:
> -# if the backend recognises the type as one that it can load and write or 
> -#if the path contains no data but can be used (e.g. a new session).
>   \note If the backend can cope with more than one type, the backend
>   should not try to store or cache the sub-type for this data.
>   It is sufficient only to return TRUE if any ONE of the supported
>   types match the incoming data. The backend should not assume that
>   returning TRUE will mean that the data will naturally follow.
>   */
>   gboolean (*check_data_type) (const char*);
> Note the comment about not assuming data will follow - it is already possible 
> for the backend to be changed before the data is saved, no matter which of 
> the initial backends were chosen for the access_method. This was implemented 
> for partial books used by QSF.
> The GnuCash file backend will use something like:
> static gboolean
> gnc_determine_file_type (const char *path)
> {
> 	struct stat sbuf;
> 	if (stat(path, &sbuf) <0) { return FALSE; }
> 	if (sbuf.st_size == 0) { return TRUE; }
> 	if(gnc_is_xml_data_file_v2(path))   { return TRUE; } 
> 	else if(gnc_is_xml_data_file(path)) { return TRUE; } 
> 	else if(is_gzipped_file(path))      { return TRUE; }
> 	else if(gnc_is_bin_file(path))      { return TRUE; }
> 	return FALSE;
> }	
> and in the QofBackendProvider declaration:
> 	prov->check_data_type = gnc_determine_file_type;
> The QSF backend will use a very similar routine.
> The reasons are:
> 1. Splitting the gnc-backend-file into a separate library for CashUtil means 
> that the current file type check cannot work - the gnc and QSF code in the 
> current function will be in different libraries.
> 2. There is no inherent reason why a QofBackend should have an entire 
> access_method all to itself.
> 3. Loading QofBackend's dynamically using dlopen makes it possible that 
> additional backend libraries could be available once QOF is an external 
> library itself. e.g. a new backend could be compiled into a future release of 
> QOF, independent of any backends used by applications linked against QOF.
> -- 
> Neil Williams
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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