New GnuCash Wiki online and available
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Sun Dec 4 18:01:19 EST 2005
I just wanted to announce the availability of the new GnuCash Wiki.
We decided to move the wiki from to our own server.
All the old content on gnomesupport has been migrated (we think --
please let us know if we missed any content). The old content still
remains on gnomesupport, but each page has a header that tells the
user that the page moved (there's no way to force a redirect across to
our wiki).
At this point you need an account to edit content, but account
creation is open to anyone. If spam becomes an issue we might
change the requirements.
Feel free to look at the new wiki. Feel free to add content.
Feel free to help us maintain it. Feel free to add FAQs (and
the answers, please ;)
I'll note that we're still working on the wiki. I know it looks
funny. The icon is squished (or cut off). It doesn't look like
the rest of the gnucash site. I know. It's being worked on.
But I wanted to announce the new site.
Please let us know if you have ideas, suggestions, concerns.
We're all ears.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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