top-of-the-day vs. the main window

David Reiser dbreiser at
Tue Dec 27 18:03:50 EST 2005

I'm currently using r12184, but this behavior has been fairly  
consistent lately:

If the tip-of-the-day is set to display at start-up, the main window  
will lose its grip on its remembered size. i.e., with the totd  
showing during launch, the main window starts out small and aligned  
with the totd window, moves to the location of the prior gnucash run,  
briefly flashes to the 'remembered' size, and then collapses to a  
window the same width as totd, but slightly smaller vertically. The  
main window maintains its upper left corner in the correct location,  

If totd is not present during gnucash launch, the main window opens  
with the same size and at the same location as it ended the prior  

Also, the totd window behaves differently if invoked from the help  
menu than if it gets created at launch. The launch version will stay  
behind the main window, or can go back behind the main window if the  
user clicks on the main window. The totd created from the Help menu  
insists on appearing in front of (and blocking the view of a portion  
of) the main screen -- even if the user clicks on the main menu and  
starts working there.
David Reiser
dbreiser at
Mac 10.4.3, gcc 3.3, gwrap 1.3.4

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