Fwd: gnucash monthly report

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Feb 26 15:30:20 EST 2005

Hi, Merlin,

Thank you very much for your submission..   I have a request,
instead of a completely new report, could you modify the existing
cash-flow report to add the 'summary-by-month' that you want?
In fact, if you can make it "summary-by-<blank>" and let the
time-period be filled in that would be even better.

I'm making this request in order to keep the report code consolidated.
You're welcome to make the two reports separate menu items, but the
core code for the standard cash-flow report and your modified
cash-flow report are close enough in behavior that I suspect you could
reuse a great deal of the existing code.

Another thing to keep inmind is internationalization...  Granted, it
would be relatively easy to change the "Salary" and "Escrow" strings
into internationalized strings, but it would be even better to make
them report options (with the internationalized default).

Great work so far,



Christian Stimming <stimming at tuhh.de> writes:

> Merlin: Thanks for submitting this; however, I currently don't do any work on 
> reports, so I guess someone else on the gnucash-devel list should pick this 
> up and check whether it's of general use. Probably it would be good to add 
> this report to gnucash as well, but some people here should check it out 
> first.
> Thanks,
> Christian
> ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
> Subject: gnucash monthly report
> Date: Samstag, 26. Februar 2005 16:07
> From: merlin hughes <merlin at merlin.org>
> To: Christian Stimming <stimming at tuhh.de>
> Hi Christian,
> Apologies for writing to you personally but you seem to have
> written most of the Gnucash reports..
> Should GnuCash be interested, I attach a new report; it
> is a monthly cash flow statement of sorts, which gives
> a month-by-month break down of income vs expenses. It is
> similar to the P&L report, but where that considers all
> income and expenses, this only considers money going into
> and out of current accounts, so it is more useful for simple
> people like me who just want to know, on a monthly basis,
> how much they are earning and spending. So it doesn't count
> gross income, investment transactions, etc.  It also has
> support for escrow accounts which get paid into regularly
> and paid out of periodically; they get counted as monthly
> regular expenses rather than period large expenses.
> I'm not really familiar with scheme and a very recent gnucash
> user, so it's probably a bit rough around the edges..
> Merlin

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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