enum values to strings.

Neil Williams linux at codehelp.co.uk
Sat Mar 26 12:51:41 EST 2005

On Saturday 26 March 2005 9:29 am, Christian Stimming wrote:
> As Derek said, the idea is nice, but since we already have covered most
> such cases of interest in gnucash with "normal code", I wouldn't change
> those existing solutions.

Fine, I'll test it more fully and consider using it only in examples linked to 

> > Should the strings be translatable?
> > #define AS_STRING_CASE(name, value) \
> >     case name: return _(#name);
> > instead of return #name?
> NOT AT ALL! Enum values are source-code level things (and the string values
> for these as well), but gettext translations are for user-visible things.

OK, I may investigate methods of using user-visible translatable strings 
instead of a direct mapping, it could be useful in some situations. The 
Doxygen problem is the hardest one to solve. 

Thanks for the comments.


Neil Williams

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