libgsf, goffice and gnucash

Neil Williams linux at
Sun Nov 20 06:16:26 EST 2005

On Sunday 20 November 2005 10:53 am, Neil Williams wrote:
> OK, OSX build halted:
> That just seems strange - what is the purpose of the syntax:
> #warning
> ?

I can see what #warning is trying to do, but certainly on OSX, using #warning 
and -Werror halts the build.

> Commenting out line 150 appears sufficient, but I doubt it is the solution
> you intended!

Even with all the #warning lines commented out, I then get a libtool failure 
on OSX, lots and lots of undefined symbols.

ld: Undefined symbols:
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make[6]: *** [] Error 1


Neil Williams

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