Pango and Debian

Josh Sled jsled at
Thu Oct 13 09:57:24 EDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 09:06 +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> It's more than just warnings to the console. Now that I've been building 
> updated trees and testing within G2 regularly, I can report that these pango 
> errors are preventing G2 from displaying any *numbers* or *currency symbols* 
> in the acccount summary or any reports in G2 on Debian. I've not noted 
> problems on FC3 and I'm not quite able to run G2 on OSX yet.

Here (gentoo, recent) numbers show fine, though currency symbols don't.

> I get literally thousands of these - a couple of dozen for every window 
> refresh.

I notice that changing my LANG from 'en_GB' to 'en_GB.utf8' makes this
go away.  Is that true for you too?

> This is libpango1.0-0 version 1.8.2-2 but it's been occurring with earlier 
> versions too. What versions are others using (so that I can get a start 
> point)?

1.8.1(-r1) on gentoo.

-- - `a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}`

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