Is there anything *enjoyable* about our development process?

Josh Sled jsled at
Fri Oct 14 15:04:06 EDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 13:53 -0400, Chris Shoemaker wrote:
> Does anyone agree?

Mostly.  I'd like to see gnucash (and other projects) *slow down* on
taking commits because they're good and stable and already does what
people want.  I also find the commit-counting there to be a bit like

> If so, I'd like to start discussing what concrete things we can do to
> improve the whole developement experience, considering ideas from the
> article and elsewhere.

Yeah, certainly.  My list has been:

- fix the module/library system.
- get rid of scheme, it's dependencies and the startup loop.
- reduce complexity
  - module system, as before
  - reporting
  - register

These all go toward one goal: making the gnucash code small, lean and
fast.  This leads to more users, which leads to more contributers.  It
also makes the existing codebase and developers more nimble, as there's
less to worry about.

> E.g. Would a modern version-control system improve the development
> experience?  (It seems like several of the other recommedations in the
> article depend on it.)

I don't see the big win of having a decentralized VC.  We've been
talking about switching over to svn on irc...

... but *NOTHING* else is as important, right now, as the G2 port and
next/first release thereof.

-- - `a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}`

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