Request for help: Distro releases and library version table

Neil Williams linux at
Sun Oct 16 15:21:40 EDT 2005

On Sunday 16 October 2005 7:29 pm, Josh Sled wrote:
> > Unfortunately, this makes for difficult work with regard to the
> > libgoffice snapshot which fits one specific libgsf version and not later
> > ones.
> Yeah, it does.  Debian doesn't have any "slotting" capability?

If absolutely necessary, yes, but it's not a popular method.

I'd much rather solve the problem with our link to goffice/gsf, if possible.

> situations.  If nothing else, you can manually install the old versions
> in /opt/gnc-deps and point the gnucash build at them.

OK for developers, not so good for Debian users.

> In any case, it looks like we might be able to depend on
> libgoffice-0.1.0 if we include both it and libgsf-1.13.1 in the gnucash
> tree.

I'd hope we wouldn't have to, but if the dependency chain does halt at libgsf, 
that would work. Don't you think it's papering over the cracks though? (And 
can we make sure that the included libgsf is a direct copy of the real 
library at that version?)

> The combination of their dependencies appear pretty 
> straightforward and widely-supported.  I was hoping to get this resolved
> this weekend, but that email thread took way too much time; lemme
> double-check the version numbers and requirements and try to get to it
> resolved this week.

OK, I know the feeling. I was hoping to have got more done today too.


Neil Williams

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