/ Now really fix old typo

Christian Stimming stimming at
Thu Oct 20 04:31:18 EDT 2005

Derek Atkins schrieb:
>>     echo processing $dr
>>     macrodirs=`sed -n -e 's,AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE(\(.*\)),\1,gp' < $coin`
>>     ( cd $dr
>> -      macrodir=`find . -name macros -print`
>> +      macrodirs=`find . -name macros -print`
>>       for i in $macrodirs; do
> Um, why does it set macrodirs and then cd into $dr and then re-set
> macrodirs?  The results of the sed command are clearly ignored.
> Should we ignore it?  If so, that line should just be removed, no?

True as well. Both lines lead to the same result (on the 1-8-branch), so 
any of the two could be removed with the same effect (probably rather 
the latter).

Nevertheless this whole file is IMHO quite a mess. Personally 
I would now prefer a much simplified version, e.g. like this one
(happens to be committed by myself) and if any of these commands cannot 
be found (which are all visible due to the -x argument), then leave it 
up to the developer to set a correct PATH. Our long script 
eventually doesn't do anything else than what this very short script 
does. In any case we won't change the 1-8-branch anymore, but we might 
consider something along these lines for the gnome2 branch.


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