Switching from CVS to Subversion: test svn repo available

Nicholas Lee emptysands at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 16:46:13 EDT 2005

On 10/25/05, Derek Atkins <warlord at mit.edu> wrote:
> The problem is that historically the commiters have been restricted to
> a trusted
> group of people, but there are a few "new" developers who have not yet been
> given commit access.  Honestly I can only think of one developer in
> particular.

That is a function of the release process not the development process.
 Test Units and QA make for good releases, not the number of
developers with commit access.

The Linux kernel maybe a good comparison and it has a huge number of

So you could say the choice of source control system and thus list of
release gatekeeper(s) dictates the set of developers who can manage
the source easily.

And at the end of the day results speak. Personally I still use
gnucash for certain things because I prefer its simple ledger and
speed.  However in the last six months I've stopped recommending MS
Money and started suggesting KMyMoney2 for basic users.  Mainly
because they seem to be going somewhere and producing things.

Nicholas Lee
gpg 8072 4F86 EDCD 4FC1 18EF  5BDD 07B0 9597 6D58 D70C

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