G2 Testing - Register

Volker Englisch Volker at englisch.us
Thu Oct 27 00:45:43 EDT 2005

Testing of the good ol' account register:
- Open the register.  The register doesn't save the last window size
   so I resize the register window.
   Click Save button and click Close button.
   Open the same register again, resize.
   Click Save button --> GC crashes.
   (sometimes you will have to open/resize the same account register
   two or three times in a row before it crashes.)
   It only seems to crash if the register has transactions that fill
   the entire register window.  If the account only has 2 or 3
   transactions GC does not crash.

- Register is open.  If the transactions fill the register window and
   I click 'Save' the window size increases by a few pixels. Additional
   saves don't change the window size further unless I resize the
   window again with the mouse.  In this case the first save again
   increases the window size as before.
   If the register window is _not_ filled with transactions every save
   increases the window size a little (usually the bottom moves toward
   the bottom screen).
   Also, the window size can not be modified freely with the mouse.  The
   window size can be increases but not decreased.

- Opening a register
   The date of a blank transaction is highlighted but the focus of the
   pointer is on the Save button.

- There is no tool tip for the Save and Close button.

- The tool bar icons for Blank, Split, and Transfer are the same.

- The tool tip for Cancel reads "_Cancel the current transaction"
   Remove the leading underscore.

- The tool tip for Schedule reads "Edit scheduled transactions".
   I like the tool tip of the current GC better:
   "Create a scheduled transaction with the current transaction as
   a template"

- The menu can be opened using keyboard keys Alt-F --> File menu,
   Alt-E --> Edit menu, etc.
   However, none of the keyboard hints are working for the menu items.
   Alt-F/Ctrl-S for Save; Alt-F/Alt-T for Properties; ...

- The cursor is invisible when clicking into an entry field or when
   tabbing into a field.  It becomes visible after clicking the field
   a second time or when starting to type.

- Not sure if this is a font related issue (I haven't made any font
   changes though) but the entry fields are cutting of characters at
   the bottom (g, p, j, y, q)

- I already reported this with the SX: The list of accounts doesn't
   open automatically.  I have to click the drop-down button to display
   the list and the list does not follow what had already been entered.
   It is always displayed listing the (alpha sorted) top accounts at
   In order to open the account list you have to click the drop-down
   button _twice_ the first time.  After that clicking once opens
   the account list.

- Double-clicking does not highlight the text.  Instead, the cursor
   jumps to the end of the text string.

- You can not highlight the entire text in a text entry field.  The
   last character is not highlighted (sometimes it's the last two

- Highlighted text is not being replaced (when typing new text) or
   deleted when hitting the delete key.  Instead, the action is
   performed at the position where highlighting ended:
   For example, highlighting Foobar results in Fooba highlighted with the
   cursor positions between 'a' and 'r'.  Hitting the Backspace key to
   delete the highlighted text deletes the 'a' before the cursor.
   Highlighting using Shift-LeftArrow does not work but highlighting
   using Shift-RightArrow _does_ work and it allows to delete/replace
   the highlighted text.

- If I scroll through the accounts list in the transfer entry field
   and I come to an account that does not fit in the field the left
   part of the "Account path" is being shifted to the left.
   For example, I have the accounts
   After scrolling through the long account name the last account
   name is not visible because the display in a limited size field
   does not shift back.

Enough for tonight.  Next I'll test the menu options of the register.


     Volker Englisch

mailto:Volker at Englisch.us    (h)

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