Logic ideas - 5 levels.
Josh Sled
jsled at asynchronous.org
Mon Sep 26 21:21:42 EDT 2005
On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 13:55 +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > Data-type constraints are
> > generally above-and-beyond those provided by programming languages, such
> > as "positive integer", "bounded integer", "length-limited string",
> > "patterned string", &c.
> (This will be easier once the gnc-backend-file is replaced - some of these
> bounds can be set in the XML if schemas are used properly. QSF does this to
> ensure that all GUID strings are true hexadecimals and integer fields do not
> contain string characters. That provides an entry-point validation at the XML
> level.)
I guess as an extended optimization, some rules could be translated into
a version appropriate to a particular backend for efficiency or
whatever. But I think that basic layering requires us to having these
rules defined well above any particular backend.
> I'm thinking of a cascade implementation - rules in the higher levels are only
> executed if lower level rules report success.
Yeah... I too want to understand how to build software as a set of
layered constraints, type-definitions, and logical inferrences because
of formal rules. We can simply declare the application -- albeit
fairly rigorously -- and have the runtime built from that declaration.
But the fact of the matter is that this isn't yet an accepted way to
build software, and there are a lot of unanswered questions about how to
do so.
More importantly in this forum: I don't want gnucash to be the sandbox
for this effort.
> Also, each user operation decides which levels of logic need to be checked. In
> a dialog, losing the focus on one input box can utilise different logic to a
> clicking a radio button in the same dialog. Enabling "OK" would normally
> require most if not all levels to be checked, but results should be cached so
> that each rule is only executed once for each relevant data change.
I don't doubt this is generically possible; once the set of constraints
that allow editing-completion are satisfied by the current state of
user-entry, a rule would be allowed to fire which would enable the
Ok/submit button...
But I believe the question with all UI stuff is: how do you make it look
and feel reasonable? It's easy enough to come up with generic
grid-layout field editors, but they uniformly suck.
> I'd hope that the model and the view / controller would all be single units
> that take their parameters from the QofObject - I'd rather not have a
> specific model for SX and a specific model for Account. Instead, a single
Of course they're specific models ... they're different things.
(In fact, the SX objects don't have *any* QOF support, which is a major
failing that needs correction before a backend switch.)
> model that can load the rules for SX or Account as required.
I'm not aware of a simple, well-accepted pattern of how to do this. I'd
rather we figure that out -- perhaps in prototype -- before modifying
the system to try to support it.
> I do want CashUtil to be a full CLI interface for all GnuCash data that can be
> represented in a CLI.
We already can't support our own codebase; we shouldn't make it worse;
we have to figure out how to make new features have a UI in both the
cashutil and gtk/gnome frontends for *free*, or at least next-to-zero
I know that this is your stated goal in this thread, too... but frankly
I don't see it happening. I don't think it's just "lets toss some ideas
around, and yea it's big...". I think it's a fundamentally different
way to write software with a lot of unanswered, hard questions.
http://asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo ${a}@${b}`
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