gnc-trace module numbers
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 28 08:50:18 EDT 2005
Neil Williams <linux at> writes:
> On Tuesday 27 September 2005 2:08 pm, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Neil Williams <linux at> writes:
>> > gnc_set_logfile(f);
>> Not done. It uses the default
> It'll need to be done with this change - the default was gnucash.trace and
> this change is to make the trace less gnucash-specific. The default filename
> is now qof.trace and each application should set their own filename.
Perhaps qof can just use the "gnome application" name? I thought
gnome had some way to determine the name of the current app? Can qof
use that?
>> > gnc_set_log_level(MOD_BACKEND, GNC_LOG_DETAIL);
>> > gnc_set_log_level(MOD_ENGINE, GNC_LOG_DETAIL);
>> > gnc_set_log_level(MOD_IO, GNC_LOG_DETAIL);
>> These are done in the enum-structure in gnc-trace.c and by the
>> command-line through scheme.
>> > I know it's not defined static like that and that gnucash can use command
>> > line options to specify the modules and log detail, I'm hoping it's not
>> > in the Scheme!
>> Why? Changing the scheme is /EASY/
> I never like editing files I don't understand.
> :-)
Well, you should really learn to understand it. The g-wrap specs
are even EASIER to understand -- they're not full scheme, they are
a rather strict subset of scheme!
> How would I implement the filename change?
See above. That's not something to do in scheme. That should be done
in the engine initialization routines. Maybe even in gncmod-engine?
> The use of a hashtable also means gnc_should_log can no longer be inlined as
> was the original plan in gnc-trace.c.
The inlining was just for speed.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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