gda-dev does not compile

Mark Johnson mrj001 at
Sat Dec 9 21:41:08 EST 2006

Phil Longstaff wrote:

>On Sat, 2006-09-12 at 17:40 -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>Quoting Phil Longstaff <plongstaff at>:
>>>>Are you using--enable-compile-warnings?  At the moment, I am leaving it out.
>>>I'm not.  Maybe I'll turn it on.
>>Yeah, you should configure with --enable-error-on-warning
>>--enable-compile-warnings --enable-debug  ... The latter is
>>probably optional, but you really should be using the other
>>two.   We probably shjould enable compile warnings by default
>>when building from SVN.
>I was wrong.  I do have all three.
I'm surprised then that you did not see the same warnings as I got.  
Perhaps, your newer compiler is more sophisticated about detecting when 
the variable is used and initialized and more intelligent in its warning.

I have found that --enable-debug is the default and --disable-debug does 
nothing.  When I want a non-debugging version from a tarball, I manually 
strip out the debugging symbols.


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