Wrong transaction insert point?
Fri Jan 13 16:56:47 EST 2006
It seems, I've started a tester carier Friday 13th :)
I'm using GnuCash for more that 4 years. Last year I was using it almost
everyday for cash accounting (my income and spences). I was dealing only
with cash account types because I don't understand much of others even
in my native language.
I was always wondering how GnuCash solves situations related to
bussiness, i.e. non-cash accounts, bills, salaries, taxes, etc.
Here in Ukraine, we have VERY complex, strange and often
changing/correcting laws and especially tax laws. Here is also a
comercial software product available which covers all the complexity and
is widely used:
"1C:Buhgalteria" (accounting) http://www.1c.ru/eng/title.htm
1C is monitoring law changes and releases adopted configuration-updates
whose reflect tax change.
It will be very interesting to compare GnuCash and 1C:Buhgalteria (in
the way it's possible), but this is the subject for future discution.
====== END of explaination of my point ======
Well, here are some things I think are going wrong:
1. Adding Provider, adding bill, adding some records, say sum is 10.00,
I get Bill: Sum=+10 Ballance=+10 in Payable.
Then I "Proccess Payment" AND I get produced transaction inserted
BEFORE. Payable looks like this:
Payment: Sum=-10 Ballance=-10
Bill: Sum=+10 Ballance=0
Shouldn't Payment be inserted after the Bill, in the order in which it's
coming in?
2. GUI issue: Provider/Client/Bill lookup dialog is over all windows,
but it is not transient. This make not sense, either it should be on top
and transient (block input to all other windows) or it should be normal
window and not transient. This makes a mess: You open lookup, then press
"View bill" and you get Preview under lookup window.
Покотиленко Костик <casper at meteor.dp.ua>
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