Strange OSX problems

Mike Alexander mta at
Tue Jan 31 13:50:52 EST 2006

--On January 30, 2006 12:44:19 PM +0000 Neil Williams 
<linux at> wrote:

> When running make check (with the guile16-build preface) I can't get
> the  gnc_modules to test correctly. It appears that OSX fails to look
> in  the .libs/ directory in each location.
> ** (process:26524): WARNING **: Failed to dlopen()
> '../../../src/gnc-module/test/mod-bar/': dlcompat:
> file  "../../../src/gnc-module/test/mod-bar/libgncmodbar.0.dylib" not
> found
> That'd be because it's actually:
> "../../../src/gnc-module/test/mod-bar/.libs/libgncmodbar.0.dylib"
> :-(

You can get around this by setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to list all the 
relevant .libs directories.  Perhaps the gnc-test-env script should be 
changed to do this if it's running on Darwin.  Everything it puts in 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH should probably go into DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH too.

> Also on OSX (only):
> GConf setup dialog loads every time gnucash2 is started, appears
> to work OK but either it's not writing the settings or not finding
> them next time.

I see this too.  I spent too much time last night trying to figure out 
why but didn't.  I thought setting the config option


might help, but it didn't.  Fink's gconf2 doesn't seem to have debugger 
syms, but I was about to see if I can change that so I can find out 
what is going on.

> I've documented some other stuff in doc/build-osx.txt relating to
> automake1.4  conflicts. It seems that other applications in Fink
> require automake1.4 and  fink replaces automake1.9 with 1.4 every
> time one of these applications is  upgraded (because each is compiled
> from source using hints from package data)  but then does not
> reinstate 1.9. This can probably be sorted for the packaged  releases
> to OSX via Fink because the package can expressly conflict with
> automake1.4. When compiling from svn, it's yet another addition to
> the script  to run 'sudo fink install automake1.9' before anything
> else can happen.

I've changed the script that builds gnucash 1.9 to issue the command

  fink -K install libgnome2-dev automake1.9 libgettext3-dev

first since other things downgrade all of these.  Using the -K option 
seems to make fink keep enough stuff around that this is fast (nothing 
has to be rebuilt).  Building gnucash 1.8 requires

  fink -K install gnome-libs-dev automake1.8 gettext-dev

The shared libraries necessary to run both versions don't conflict 
(fortunately).  It's only building them that causes problems.

Mike Alexander           mta at
Ann Arbor, MI            PGP key ID: BEA343A6

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