Finishing the neverending QOF flamewar
Pierre THIERRY at
Mon Jan 30 18:08:27 EST 2006
Scribit Neil Williams dies 30/01/2006 hora 19:59:
> > In fixing it, I improved the logging API, without affecting any
> > existing QOF program.
> Once again, Chris, that is inaccurate. Implementing logging for
> modules that do not explicitly set their own log level DOES break
> functionality in other programs
Naive question from a lurker: is there any sort of unit testing in the
code that could tell us in a purely logic way if anything is or is not
broken wrt this problem?
I don't think a ping/pong of "it's broken", "no it's not" will
eventually lead to anything useful...
Nowhere man
-- at
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